I want to start web development ! but...

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I want to start web development ! but...

Starting with web development

If you are someone who's just starting out to learn "How to code" and like me you want to see the actual working of your code in a visual way , or you just like to build stuff and that's what gives you kick or you are just new to the coding space and want to explore this domain ... You got it right... start web development!

How can i start web development ?

Ya ! I understand ... with so many technologies , languages and frameworks available in this space , it gets overwhelming to choose where to start from ! So lets go a step back and before answering "How to start web development ?" let's understand "What is web development?"

What is web development ?

Whenever we want to know something , we do something ! Yes , we do a quick google search and google gives us a list of relevant web searches for the things we've asked for , and all the web pages that we come across were built by people .....Thus in layman terms Web development is building those interactive web pages that appears on the web ! Now as we know what is web development let's know how should we learn it !

Learning web development !

My intention here is not to give you suggestions about how your entire learning journey will look like , but to give you a very concise but on to the point detailed path to getting started .

  • Learn about : How does the web work ?

    Here , you'll come across client and servers , so what basically happens here is ! Client requests for a web page : instagram.com and this request is sent to the server and then Server sends back the relevant files in the format of HTML , CSS and JavaScript.

Thus essentially all of the content we see on the web are HTML , CSS and JavaScript .

  • Learn HTML

    How much HTML should you learn ? You don't have to become master at HTML , don't have a goal to Hack NASA with HTML. Just learn enough so that you're able to setup a basic HTML page !

  • Learn CSS

    CSS is what comprises the styling of the web pages . All that color , those fonts and the catchy stuff we see on a web page are made possible using CSS Here too just focus on learning 50-60% CSS , Focus on the topics such as : 1.Ways to implement CSS

  • CSS selectors .
  • Classes and Id's in CSS .
  • Positioning in CSS : Learn about Float , grid and Flex-box . 5.Media queries and animations .

See the basic implementation of how these things work ... and then a must do thing : Build projects: You are now capable of building simple landing pages , build them !

  • Learn JavaScript

    JavaScript is something which is responsible for all the interactivity on you r web page . Such as , when you click a button a modal from the top appears on the screen . Now as you already have built your landing page ! Try adding interactive features to it to make it more appealing and advance . Learn about JavaScript Es6 syntax.

Till this time you would rhave learnt the fundamentals and you need to make some more projects in order to hone your skills , Most probably you'll be able to learn all of this in about 1-1.5 months , assuming that you give at least 1 hour daily . Definitely you can learn all this even faster , that completely depends on you .

Now discussion regarding Frameworks , Tech stacks and everything we will be discussing on the upcoming blogs .... because unnecessarily discussing the plan would not be worth it if we don't execute....

and if you found it valuable follow me here for upcoming blogs! Thanks for reading !